Despite an absolutely drenching downpour, lots of people turned out for today's protest against the government handouts to the banks. I spent my lunch hour there but had to come back to work before the march to AIG began. I did take a few pix with my cell phone so here they are.

The washed-out look is because, well, we were all getting washed out. And the placards are all sheathed in plastic, which explains any blurriness there.

The politics, though, were sharp, as was the anger in the air. Many workers from the financial district, happening upon the demonstration during their lunch hours, joined in.
UPDATE: The sun is finally peeking out now, an hour or so after I came back to work, so it's shining on the marchers at AIG.
& ONE MORE UPDATE: Police arrested four members of the youth group FIST--Fight Imperialism, Stand Together--who were taking part in the demonstration.
Here is a petition demanding that the four be immediately released and all charges dropped. It points out who the real criminals are.