Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Occasions for enthusiasm

The perfect way to start a new year of struggle (and exit any hypothetical doldrums any hypothetical nitwit might have momentarily sunk into): join this Friday's protest on Wall Street to mark Dr. King's birthday by mobilizing against bank bailouts, transit and education cutbacks, foreclosures and evictions, and the ever-expanding wars of U.S. imperialism. Friday, 3:30 to 6:00, at Wall Street and Broad Street, across from the Stock Exchange. See you there!

Before then, how about reading up on what's really behind the ramped-up war moves against the tiny nation of Yemen? An excellent analysis by Abayomi Azikiwe here.

And here, Palestinian Marxist and former political prisoner Dr. Abdel Samara discusses the role of the Arab compradore regimes in buffering imperialism and its garrison state Israel against the Palestinian national liberation struggle. I heard Dr. Samara speak recently, and he was terrifically interesting and sharp. I'd like to read one of his books; I believe there's one that's been translated into English.

There's actually quite a lot more I'm enthusing about, and will share in the days to come.