Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You can kill bodies but you can't kill the struggle

Yesterday in Times Square.
Marsha Goldberg, me, LeiLani Dowell.

Thanks to Greg Butterfield for these last two photos.

We'll be back on the streets later this afternoon, on Second Avenue in front of the Israeli mission. I'll head up after work in hopes of catching the tail end of the demonstration.

Here's a good statement from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

The Israeli forces towed the ships to shore and have now imprisoned all 700-some passengers of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, those they didn't murder, that is. The prisoners include Swedish novelist Henning Mankell. (There, that's my literary tie-in.)

Finally, this news from our long-struggling sisters and brothers from Ireland: they are proceeding to Gaza with their boat the Rachel Corrie.

Long live Palestine!