Saturday, October 17, 2009

The raid on Harper's Ferry

Yesterday was the 150th anniversary of the raid on the U.S. Army arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, led by a toweringly heroic figure in the history of the struggle against racism, John Brown. I didn't and don't have time to compose a substantive blog entry on the meaning of this anniversary, partly because I'm working on an article about it for Workers World newspaper. I'm afraid the article won't do it justice either, due to time and space constraints, but I'll link to it once it's published. For now, for any who haven't read it, I commend you to A Voice from Harper's Ferry, written by one of the few participants who survived, Osborne P. Anderson, in a recently issued new edition featuring commentary from political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal and my comrade and WW managing editor Monica Moorehead.